Dr. Jayant Naralikar is a world famous Astro-Physicist. He is also the founder of IUCAA in Pune. 19th July is birthday of Dr. Jayant Naralikar. A guest lecture by Mrs. Swati Ujlambkar was organized on this occasion for Std IX students.
The topic of the lecture was Biography and work of Dr. Jayant Naralikar. In her lecture she informed the students about Dr.Naralikar’s childhood and his family background. She also informed about his education in India and at Cambridge. His unparalleled contribution in the field of Astro-Physics which is a great source of knowledge for the aspiring students. She explained Dr. Naralikar’s effort to eradicate the superstitions and to develop the scientific perspective among the people. He is the Founder Member of IUCAA at Pune. IUCAA, along with the research in Astronomy also undertakes many programs to popularize science among the students. She informed the students about the books written by Dr. Naralikar and the awards received by him. The lecture was made interesting with the help of videos and animation.
The lecture was very informative for the students and it threw light on different aspects of Dr. Naralikar’s life.