NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: Fancy Dress and Speech Competition on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti
GROUP:  Jr. Group ( VA VB VC)
DATE: 4 October 2017
VENUE: SSPMS Day School & Jr. College
TIME: 8.30am to 10.00am

The country celebrates Gandhi Jayanti on 2nd October to mark the occasion of the birthday of Mahatma Jayanti, who is lovingly called Father of the Nation.

SSPM Day School and Junior College celebrated Gandhi Jayanti in the school premises with great zeal and enthusiasm on 4th October 2017. It was in a unique way that Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated with dozens of little boys as “Mahatma Gandhi’’ and little girls as “Baa Kasturba.”

Students were informed about the importance of Mahatma Gandhi’s teaching, the greatness of ahimsa and the non-violent struggle spearheaded by Bapu to win India’s Independence. It was an emotional scene as the children sang ‘Sabarmati Ke Sant Tune Kar Diya Kamal’, ‘Raghupati Raghav Rajaram’and ‘Vande Matram’.

The children from Std V -A,B,C enjoyed participating and dressing. It was a fun -filled learning experience for the students. It was indeed a fascinating event which would be etched in student’s memory for a very long time.

The winners :

Position Name of the student Standard
First Aditya Kadam V B
Second Soham Uttekar V B
Third Akanhsha Choudhary V A


INCHARGE TEACHER: VA – Mrs.  Sheetal Lanke