The School has a well equipped Library with above 6000 books catering to the needs of Students of Secondary section (V to X) & HSC section (XI & XII) .
The Library is open to the Teaching, Non-teaching Staff and Students. The Library has a good collection of Reference books, Novels, Fiction, Non-fiction books, Story books and Syllabus related books.
Magazines, Periodicals, Daily Newspapers and Maps & Charts are also available for reference.
The School insists on Newspaper Reading to improve the English reading & speaking skills of students. Students read the news in the assembly and in the classroom every day.
Services / Facilities offered
- Circulation Service.
- Reference Service.
- Old Periodical.
- Daily Newspaper.
- Reading Hall.
- Old Question paper reference files.
- Library periods to inculcate Reading habits.
- Story Telling sessions are conducted by Professional Story tellers at regular intervals throughout the year.
Rules to be followed in Library
- Maintain Silence in the Library.
- Students should deposit their Library cards for issuing books which is non transferable.
- Reference books and Periodicals are available for Library reference only.
- Library books can be issued for a period of one week only.
Thereafter it can be renewed if there is no reservation for it.
- Books are to be returned on or before due date.
- Students failing to return the book on due date will be liable to pay a fine of Rs.2/- per day including holidays and Vacations.
- Any loss or damage done to the Library book shall be recovered from the borrower.