NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: School Campus Visit
DATE: 5 October 2017
VENUE: S.S.P.MS Day School
TIME: 8.30am to 10.00am
The students of Std V were taken for a visit in the school campus. They all were excited. The students were first taken to the entrance gate of the school where the teachers gave them information about the parking area of the school and the surroundings nearby the campus, where they were also informed about traffic rules, noise and air pollution which spreads due to the vehicles. Secondly the students were informed about the Sudarshan Chemical factory which is nearby the campus and about the pollution caused by it.
At the backside of the campus they were shown the cremation ground and were informed about the smoke emitted from the chimneys and how it pollutes the surroundings.
Students were informed about the huge fighter plane model which is displayed in the premises. Near the plane students were also shown the solar panel which is fixed there and information about how solar energy is converted into electricity was explained to them.
Information about water treatment plant located near Naidu Hospital was also shared with them.
The students were very happy during the visit. The teachers then gathered them to form groups and students were asked questions on the information shared with them. Students answered well and enjoyed the visit which made them aware about the campus and its surroundings.