Date: – 24th February, 2020

 The students of S.S.P.M. Day School and Junior College attended an exhibition of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) organized by AISSMS Institute of Information Technology (IOIT) on 24th February, 2020. There was an introductive session by the students of Sadhana English School, Pune on the topic of different satellites and space shuttles launched in space through the ppt. After the presentation session there was an interactive session of the students with the ISRO scientists.

Mr. P.B.Mane, Principal AISSMS Institute of Information Technology (IOIT) introduced the Chief Guest Mr.M.C.Uttam. Mr.M.C.Uttam started his presentation titled-”Challenges that shape ISRO’s Launch Vehicle Programme and its work culture”. Here he described his early days of work in ISRO. He showed many photographs of how a rocket is assembled and also described about  payload and launching of satellite in presence of Prime Ministers of India like Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and Late Mr. Narsimha Rao. He shared his experience about working with Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. He explained about many successful and unsuccessful attempts about satellite launching wherein he said he got to learn a lot from the unsuccessful attempts. He gave a detailed information about-PSLV’s, GSLV’s, Aditya L-1 and Chandrayan Mission and also the significance of the place -Thumba situated in Kerala around the sea coast where the magnetic equator passes and provides a good launching and landing site. He also explained about the future plans of ISRO about launching GSLV-5 satellite in earth’s orbit. Lastly he explained about the 3 values which lead to the success of ISRO- Trust, Faith and Total Freedom to their scientists, engineers and programmers.

The question answer session started after the presentation in which the students asked their queries enthusiastically to Mr. M.C.Uttam about space, ISRO and ISRO’s future prospects. Mr.M.C. Uttam cleared the doubts of the students. Due to lack of time, the volunteers provided students with whatsapp number and email id to send their queries and get feedback about it.

The programme ended with a vote of thanks by the students of IOIT followed by the National Anthem at 12:40pm. After the programme, a photography session was organized for the students, staff and volunteers with the Chief Guest- Mr.M.C.Uttam.