Date: 19th July 2018

“Science popularization involves information about science explaining the things and their implications in detail, or any beliefs the reader might have and also tell them about the newer discoveries so as to enlarge the persons horizons.”

By Jayant Vishnu Narlikar

Guided by these views of Jayant Vishnu Narlikar an activity to celebrate the birthday of Famous Astrophysicists Dr. Jayant Vishnu Narlikar was arranged on 19th July 2018 by SSPM’s Day School and Jr. College. The activity involved a guest lecture by Mrs.Swati Ujlambkar who spoke on the Life of Sir. Jayant Narlikar and a PPT presentation on life of  Dr. Jayant  Narlikar by the students of class XIIA.

The programme started  by welcoming the guest by Mrs Uma Salunke and a brief introduction of the chief guest  by Sakshi Mishra of class XII B. Mrs Ujlambkar started her speech by introducing the students to the early life of Dr. Jayant Narlikar . She also made the students aware of the research work of Narlikar Sir in the field of astrophysics. The speech ended with speech with videos on Jayant Narlikar. The lecture proved to be very inspiring and informative for the students.

The students of class XII A Vishnu Nair, Rajvi Landge and Valentina Mattu presented a PPT on the life of Dr. Jayant Vishnu Narlikar. All the three of them enlightened the students of class XII on the life and work done by Jayant   Narlikar with different videos. The students enjoyed the program and found it very informative. Through the programme an effort was made to inculcate a scientific attitude in the students.