SSPM Day School and Jr. College had organized TECHwIZ(2018-19),a Web Page Designing Competition, on the occasion of 71st birthday of Shrimant Shahu Chhatrapati Maharaj, President, All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society, on 7th January,2019. 21 participants from 11 Jr colleges & Polytechnic from Pune participated in this competition. Dr P. B. Mane, Principal, IOIT College, AISSMS, was the Chief Guest for this event. Shri Suresh Shinde, Hon. Joint Secretary, AISSMS and Honorable Principal Ms. Shivali Jagtap & Supervisior Mrs. Vaishali Rao, SSPM Day School Jr College graced the occasion with their presence. A Powerpoint Presentation of All India Shri shivaji Memorial Society was showcased in this event by the students of std XI. Shri Suresh Shinde, ignited the minds of young participants and also assured them of the support of AISSMS in their future endeavorance. Dr. Mane, the Chief Guest of function also addressed the gathering on this occasion, by sharing the upcoming technologies in IT Engineering .
Mr. Pritesh Patil, HOD, IT Dept. and Mr Riyaz Jamadar, Asst. Professor, IT Dept, IOIT College of AISSMS shouldered the responsibility of judging the competition. Participants were awarded with the participation certificates.
Result :
Position | Name of the student | Name of the college |
Shivprasad Rao | SSPM Day School & Jr.College |
Shruti Kulkarni | SSPM Day School & Jr.College |
Kushal Nagarikar | Bharat English School & Jr.College |