Day / Date:- Tuesday, 19th June 2018
The lives and health of people are affected by emergencies every year. Safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system.
Taking into consideration the need of blood donation SSPM DAY SCHOOL AND JR. COLLEGE observed Blood Donation Day on 19th June, 2018. The main objective was to encourage the students to become new blood donors and to thank the volunteer blood donors for their service to mankind.
Mrs. Salunke from HSC Section delivered a lecture with a Power Point Presentation for the students of Std XII. She explained the importance of blood donation through her speech.She emphasized that blood cannot be artificially produced outside the body,thus needs to be donated.Donated blood can be used in case of emergencies, surgeries and by patients suffering from haemophilia and thalassemia. Students realized the importance of blood donation and promised to donate the blood in the future.