SSPM Day School & Jr. College had orgainsed Career Forum 2018-19 on 15th January 2019 for the students of Std. XII (Science). The objective of Career Forum was to assist the students in identifying the career options and appropriate higher education routes for each, thus enabling them to determine the steps they need to equip themselves for the world of work.

Shri. Ajay Patil  Honorary Treasurer AISSMS and Shri Nikhil Khanse Member managing committee AISSMS inaugurated  the event. Honorable Principal Miss.Shivali Jagtap ,Supervisor Mrs. Vaishali Rao, teachers and students of SSPM Day school and Jr. College were present for the event.

Miss. Aayushi Wagh and Master.Vinit Ranka of Std. XIA hosted the event. Principal Dr. P. B. Mane of IOIT College AISSMS, guided the students on the topic “Carrier after std XII”. Mrs. Honey Tyagi, Assistant Professor (HMCT) AISSMS, briefed the students on the topic “Career in the Hotel Management and Catering Technology”. Mr. Rahul Padalkar, Asistant Professor (College of Pharmacy) AISSMS, shared his views on the topic “Career in Pharmacy”. The Mr. Nitin Mawale, Assistant Professor (College of Engineering) AISSMS, guided the students on “opportunities and better future proposals in Engineering”.

Career Forum enabled the students to know about different career options and equipped them to face the challenges of life.